General FAQ
Quite simply - We LOVE and ENJOY what we do. Our family has done so since 2004 and will continue to do so in the long term future.
Your love life and happiness are very important. Experience counts, we have been around a long time and have experienced virtually every scenario you could ever think of.
We run 5 to 7 events nationally each week, which equates to about 250 to 300 events each year with 9000 to 10,000 clients attending.
We will always have two hosts at our events, one of which will have a minimum of 2 years experience with us. We are proud to say that we have 6 hosts that have been with us for 8+ years.
99.9% of our clients do the right thing, unfortunately there are always the odd one or two that do not. With years of experience we can easily pick out "problem clients" even before they attend an event. We do not tolerate aggressive or rude emails / behaviour or client's lying about their age. We are not afraid to ban people. Alot can happen behind the scenes but with our experience, we can usually pickup on this even before a client ever makes their way to an event.
Out of all the thousands of Speed Dating Events we have ever hosted I would say that at about 75% of all events EVERYBODY gets at least one match. For the rest of the time one guy might miss out. We are yet to ever see a girl not receive any ticks!! We do encourage you to tick as many people as you want. What is the harm in growing your current circle of friends or to catch up with someone for an hour over a coffee?
A very common concern. The worse thing is actually thinking about it. Once you are there, look around the room and see everyone, the nerves do calm down. One of our two hosts will introduce you to one or two others that have come by themselves. Its a fun, friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Speed Dating is a great way to make new friends, with both guys and girls. The time seems to fly by once the Speed Dating begins. As the night comes to a conclusion you will wonder what you were ever nervous about to begin with!
Approx 50% of girls and 75% of guys come solo.
Average normal people just like you and me. Friendly, honest, sincere people who value their time and can see all the benefits Speed Dating has to offer. Many of our participants are teachers, accountants, nurses, IT workers, dentists, doctors, lawyers, engineers, consultants, public service or government employees, clerical workers etc. We have even had pilots and professional athletes - you never know what sort of interesting people you will meet at a Speed Dating Australia Event.
We are strict on who we let attend our events. We are not afraid to ban people who send rude or strange emails or lie about their age. We are very strict on age brackets. While most guys are in the upper end of the age range and girls are generally in the lower end, we always have a look over the the clients ages to make sure we have a nice even supply of ages.
We have been around for a while now, so we do have repeat customers. If you have been with us in the past 12 months we will check your details to make sure you will not meet the same person twice. If in doubt please email us. We have all the matches data from 2004 so we can easily check.
We also have to be strict on "serial speed daters" or clients that come often. While we are flattered that you like our service, it makes our job too difficult and is not good for our clients, so we politely ask them not to attend again.
We are very strict on the age brackets. As some age brackets do overlap and you want to attend two events of a different age, please email us for advice or a two events special price. Generally the guys are in the top end of the bracket and the girls are at the lower end of the bracket, however we do check the ages of each event to make sure they are not too lopsided.
We do sometimes allow for younger clients to attend a certain age bracket, but are more strict with older clients trying to get into meet someone younger. If in doubt please email us first.
Age brackets are put in for a reason, if you deliberately try and book into a younger event, we may ban you from attending any future events with us. Our age groups haven't changed too much over the years.
We guarantee a minimum of 15 dates. Dating and Speed Dating is a numbers game. For this reason all of our events consist of 15-19 couples.
Dress to impress, first impressions count. The standard of dress attire is quite high at our events. Participants put alot of time and effort into the way they present themselves. Some people come straight from work so you might see a suit or two. Guys, collared shirt and a nice pair of pants would be advisable. Clean shaven with clean nails, hair and shoes are all little things girls look for.
All matches are sent out via email within 24 hrs of the event finishing. If you have not received your matches please EMAIL US.
I am not sure what the new start companies are up to these days but surprisingly we do get this question alot. We thought it was common sense to have even numbers or both guys and girls.
While we cannot guarantee even numbers at every single event, we get it right more times than not. We have a family team with years of experience and a very large database of clients so if someone does pull out at the last minute, we do have ways of correcting it. Please keep in mind we do book in 15-19 couples.
You will be surprised how quickly each indivdual Speed Date goes, running out of things to say is almost impossible! Try to think of something a little different from all the usual questions you would normally ask on a first date eg, work, interests, family etc. These sorts of questions can get a bit repetative by the last few Speed Dates. We have a list of Ice Breakers to help you out.
Please do not ask for contact details or make your questions too personal. As an inside tip DO NOT talk about ex partners or mention in five minutes that you are looking for a wife/husband. Be fun, upbeat and positive. Nobody likes a negative or complaining person!
We accept Credit card and Direct Deposit / Bank Transfer. All credit card payments are done viaPaymate. Paymate is widely regarded as the fastest and most secure transaction service on the internet. We have been using them since early 2004 and with over 70,000 transactions without a problem, we have nothing but praise for them.
To secure even numbers we do not allow payment on the night.
Most Speed Dating Events start at 7:30 and finish around 10:15. There are two breaks through out the evening for food and a complimentary drink.
We generally need 7 days notice for a credit. If however, you cannot make it we will put you down as a stand by reserve for when we are short for a future event.
Yes we do we run a "GIRLS 45-59: GUYS 45-60" age group for Speed Dating for over 50s two or three times each year.