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My Cheeky Date. Eventbrite. Overseas company.  - PLEASE KEEP YOUR AUSSIE DOLLARS HERE.

At least once a week we get an email from an unhappy customer asking us for a refund to an event they booked on Eventbrite.  My Cheeky Date is an overseas company who use our branded name "Speed Dating Australia" to book Speed Dating events on Eventbrite.

Taken from their website - " Beginning in the UK and moving our unique brand of Speed Dating & Matchmaking to the States in 2007, it has been a whirlwind of fun since the moment we opened the doors."

That is quite amusing since we have only just heard about this overseas company in the past 12-18 months trying to establish themselves on our home soil.  Keep in mind we regularly keep in contact with UK and USA Speed Dating companies and this company has only recently just shown up on our radar.




Above you can see them claiming to be around since 2007.  The reality is below.  My Cheeky Date started up small with a few pages in 2016, did nothing in 2016 and 2017, before trying to ramp up in late 2018.